Troubleshooting Issues after a Site Migration

Troubleshooting Issues after a Site Migration

Site migration is the process of moving an existing site onto Convesio’s hosting platform. An effortless process but like everything else with technology, there may be some hiccups at times. Below are some solutions to fixing certain issues that may occur after migrating a site.

Requests to have your site migrated onto Convesio’s platform can be done here: https://convesio.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/5/group/7/create/10127 

Domain redirecting to UUID (temporary URL)

Domain has been added to Convesio but it still goes to the UUID. For example, the domain is https://yoursite.com but it is redirecting to https://1a2b3c4d-1a2b-1234-1234-123456789abc.h1.conves.io. This usually occurs if the domain https://yoursite.com is not set as the Primary Domain.

  1. Log into your Convesio dashboard and go to the site dashboard.

  2. Once logged in, go to the DOMAINS tab on the dashboard.


  3. The UUID, your non www and www domains should all be listed. To the right beside each domain, there is a link that says Make Primary. Click on the one beside the domain you wish to make the primary domain.



  4. The job will begin to run and once finish you can click Close Job Console.

  5. You can now test to see if the issue is resolved.

Some links or images still link to the UUID (temporary URL) or are broken

After a site migration, you may notice that sometimes your logo is broken, other images may be broken, or internal links have the temp URL. This can easily be corrected by doing a search and replace to change the temp URL to the primary domain on the site. The most straightforward method is to use the free plugin Better Search Replace.

  1. Install and activate the plugin Better Search Replace.


  2. Once activated, go to Tools > Better Search Replace on your WordPress Dashboard.

  3. In the ‘Search for’ field, place the UUID without http or https, any trailing /. Example of what could go there, 1a2b3c4d-1a2b-1234-1234-123456789abc.h1.conves.io.

  4. In the ‘Replace with’ field, place the primary domain without http or https, any www, or any trailing /. Example of what could go there, yourdomain.com.

  5. For this, you can select all the database tables.

  6. You can then run the search and replace. I would suggest clicking the checkbox to run as a dry run first and always create a backup before making the change.

Mixed content / HTTP does not redirect to HTTPS / Unsecured Connection

Mixed Content happens when a site has an SSL certificate and is loaded over a secure HTTPS connection but has images, videos, stylesheets, scripts, or other content that still load over an unsecured HTTP connection. Also, even though SSL certification is on the site it can still be loaded over HTTP or your browser shows an error that the connection is insecure. One quick fix to try is changing the URL in the General Settings on WordPress from http to https.

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and in Settings -> General, ensure that both the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) have https instead of http.

Google (and other search engines) indexing the UUID (temporary URL)

You have your primary domain up and working like a charm but you do a search on Google and some of the results show up for the temp URL. Or searching for the temp URL return results from the search engine. This happens when the checkbox Discourage search engines from indexing this site was not selected during WordPress installation on the temp URL.

  1. You can request to have the URL removed by the Google Search Console team. If you are more tech-savvy, you can also use their Removal Tools, https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9689846?hl=en .

  2. For future installations, remember to select the checkbox Discourage search engines from indexing this site.


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