Issue an SSL Certificate

Issue an SSL Certificate

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a global standard security technology that enables encrypted communication between a web browser and a web server. So, when the certificate is added the https protocol is active and allows secure connections from a web server to a browser. On the Convesio Platform, your SSL certificate is generated by Let’s Encrypt and expires every 90 days.

  1. Log into your Convesio dashboard and go to the site dashboard that you wish to issue the SSL certificate for.

  2. Once logged in, go to the SECURITY tab on the dashboard.

  3. Click on the button Add SSL Certificate and then the dropdown option Get LetsEncrypt SSL.


  4. On the popup window, select the domains you wish to add the SSL certificate to. Recommend adding it to both the www and non-www domains. After selecting the domain, click the checkbox to agree to LetsEncrypt Terms and Conditions and then click the Continue button.


  5. The job will begin to process and once done hit the button Close Job Console.


  6. The SSL certificate has been registered. However, there is one last step to ensure your site always uses https. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and in Settings -> General, ensure that both the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) have https instead of http.

If you are having problems issuing or renewing the SSL certificate there are a number of reasons that could cause this. For example, problems with DNS, Proxy problems, and/or IPv4/IPv6 problems. For more information on how to resolve these problems, please see the article Why won't my SSL issue or renew?.