Table prefix wp_
is required for correct function of your site on the Convesio Platform.
The Convesio Platform is a revolutionary change in how WordPress hosting is done. Due to this the platform expects all database tables be named using the wp_
prefix generated by a standard WordPress install. Use of other database prefixes can lead to multiple issues in the platform.
Some errors which point to table prefix:
Unable to set primary domain
Unable to issue SSL certificate
Unable to login; users get redirected to the login page or home page
These issues generally effect only sites being migrated onto the platform. If you know your database tables have a prefix other that wp_
please ask your developer to do a search and replace of the entire SQL file or files and replace the current table prefix with wp_
prior to importing the data.
The Convesio team is happy to do a manual import of your site data if you are coming from a setup with non-standard database table names. Just reach out in chat or a ticket and give us the database files and we’ll do the search/replace and the database import for you. It’s completely free.
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