Alternative to SFTP Access

SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol, and it is a way of transferring files between computers. There are times that you may need to access your website files directory to upload a file or folder, edit a file, delete a file, copy files to another computer, and so much more. Convesio provides SFTP access for this purpose. Learn more about using SFTP Access here.

However, sometimes you may need a more graphical and easy-to-use interface since FTP can be cumbersome to learn for others. One great plugin to use as an alternative is WP File Manager.


  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

  2. From the dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New and search for the WP File Manager plugin.


  3. Click to install and then activate.

  4. Once activated, go to the sidebar on the right panel and click WP File Manager.


  5. You will then be taken to the File Manager and have access to your WordPress files and folders.



  1. BE CAREFUL when making changes to your files or folders. One mistake can cause your site to go down or crash. Always make a backup before making any changes.

  2. The plugin also provides extra settings to block access by user roles to stop other users from editing files. That will be handy so that files or folders are not accidentally deleted.